Author: Durward Pfeffer DDS
Ut consequatur non iusto nesciunt quaerat ab voluptas. Qui pariatur sint alias unde voluptas velit veniam. Totam in velit aut enim maiores.
Posts by Durward Pfeffer DDS:
"The ‘Know Your Rights’ app is a perfect example of hypocrisy because the only application that is known to the PNP is the application of torture..."
"Sexual harassment is a major problem in Egypt. Studies show that large majorities of women have been subjected to it [...] And the problem is deeply rooted."
Kahraman’s new work is a masterful exploration of the issues of identity, personal struggle, and human consciousness.
After an outcry, Afghanistan's president apologised for the remark.
Rajab is in prison for his human rights-related activities and for freely expressing his opinions.
As Victoria becomes the first Australian state to legalise euthanasia, the country remains divided over what is being called a new, progressive trend in Australian politics.
As Victoria becomes the first Australian state to legalise euthanasia, the country remains divided over what is being called a new, progressive trend in Australian politics.